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Ministries for December 1–31, 2020 and Upcoming Events

Writer: newjerlcnewjerlc

Updated: Dec 21, 2020

. . . in December

+ + + + + +

Please click the link (Youtube livestream link)

to participate in our Advent, Christmas Eve,

and Sunday morning worship services online.

+ + + + + +

Since we are worshipping virtually for the Christmas Eve Service and will miss the tradition of singing "Silent Night" holding candles. I am asking the following: Please take a photo of your family holding candles and send it to Angie Fulmer at by Tuesday, December 22nd at noon. Angie will put the photos together into a slideshow at the end of the virtual service so we can still share that candlelight experience with each other.

Kelly Clarkson - Silent Night



by Vince Gill and Jenny Gill with lyrics





May God fill you will his New goodness every day and

may the love of Jesus overflow from you to others throughout the year!

+ + + + + +

+ + + + + + +

In case of a pastoral emergency,

please contact Pastor Lisa Borrell at 610-838-0731 or email



Hope to see you there!

Peace be with you.




(PLEASE NOTE … these may be revised as we continue to tweak what works most efficiently for our congregation.)

+ Persons at a high risk due to age or health are encouraged to stay at home, especially if exhibiting symptoms such as high fever, cough, loss of smell or taste, or shortness of breath.

+ Masks must be worn at all times properly covering one’s nose and mouth. (Only children who are 2 years of age or younger are exempt from this practice.) If you would arrive at church only to discover that you do not have a mask, one will be provided for you. Additionally, hand sanitizer will be available at various locations for your use.

+ There will be no formal collection of offering during the service. Receptacles will be provided in the Narthex area for worshippers to deposit their offering envelopes (which also may be mailed in to the church office).

+ Holy Communion will continue to be received via individually sealed cups/wafers which will be distributed as worshippers enter the sanctuary. We will commune in the pews and collect the used packages for proper disposal after worship.

+ To minimize the risk of transmitting germs, worshippers will not be greeted with handshakes following the service nor will the traditional “passing of the peace” take place. Members and friends may certainly speak with each other outside.

+ At this point in time, no congregational singing will take place during the worship service. The reasoning behind this is that there remains the risk of producing aerosols (droplets of water suspended in air) that can spread the coronavirus. We will work hard to make a joyful noise in other ways (organ/piano/bells; possible soloists or instrumentalists who are socially distanced from the congregation). While this may not be ideal, it is the safest practice for the welfare of all.

+ Likewise, we will not be hosting any coffee hours or in person church suppers until it is deemed safe to do so.

+ One person or one family unit will be permitted in the restrooms at a time.

+ Worshippers will maintain social distancing while in the sanctuary. Pews have been cordoned off and marked so that people will visually be reminded of where they may be seated for the service. The pews in the balcony will also be available for seating for those who are more readily able to climb steps.

+ Children must remain with the adults with whom they came.

+ The church will be cleaned after worship each week to ensure cleanliness for the next gathering.

Any virus outbreak in the "in person" worshipping community will necessitate the

closing of the church until further notice when it is deemed safe to re-enter.

The Council understands if you do not feel comfortable attending in person worship just yet. We respect your decision and invite you to tune into the service (via the church’s website at Youtube livestream link) as it will be live streamed each Sunday. We are working on all the details to make that happen so we may reach as many interested viewers as possible. This is a learning process for all of us and we thank you kindly for your patience and understanding as we navigate these unchartered waters.

Just as we have figured out how to adjust to a different world than what we had, we are appreciating the new dimensions of worship that still speak to our faith experience. I thank you for your willingness to engage in this way, whether in person or via online services.

In all circumstances, never forget that we still are the church! As Martin Luther proclaimed in his most recognizable Reformation hymn, “A Mighty Fortress,” God’s truth forever shall abide. Even COVID –19 has no power over us.


You can also visit New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church on Facebook at


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

8:30 a.m.—Quilters

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

6:30 p.m.—Choir (see Mark Your Calendar below)

7:00 p.m.—Finance Committee Meeting

7:00 p.m.—AA

Thursday, December 3, 2020

CANCELLED 1:00 p.m.—Cards

Friday, December 4, 2020


Saturday, December 5, 2020


Sunday, December 6, 2020

10:00 a.m.—Worship Service ~ 2nd Sunday of Advent

(Visit NJELC online worship service at Youtube livestream link)

CANCELLED 11:00 a.m.—Fellowship

7:00 p.m.—AA

Monday, December 7, 2020


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

8:30 a.m.—Quilters

7:00 p.m.—Church Council Meeting

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

6:30 p.m.—Choir (see Mark Your Calendar below)

7:00 p.m.—AA

Thursday, December 10, 2020

CANCELLED 1:00 p.m.—Cards

Friday, December 11, 2020

9:00 a.m.—Food Bank Delivery (see Mark Your Calendar below)

3:00 p.m.—FM Packing

6:00–8:00 p.m.—Goose Chase

Saturday, December 12, 2020

8:30–10:45 a.m.—DRIVE THROUGH PICK-UP Food Bank Distribution (see Mark Your Calendar below)

Sunday, December 13, 2020

10:00 a.m.—Indoor Worship Service ~ 3rd Sunday of Advent

(Visit NJELC online worship service at Youtube livestream link)

10:30 a.m. —Annual Congregational Meeting (after worship)

CANCELLED 11:00 a.m.—Fellowship

7:00 p.m.—AA

Monday, December 14, 2020


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

CANCELLED 8:30 a.m.—Quilters

CANCELLED 12:00 p.m.—Prime Timers (see Mark Your Calendar below)

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


CANCELLED 6:30 p.m.—Choir (see Mark Your Calendar below)

CANCELLED 7:00 p.m.—AA

Thursday, December 17, 2020


CANCELLED 1:00 p.m.—Cards

Friday, December 18, 2020


4:00 p.m.—FM Packing

Saturday, December 19, 2020


8:30–10:45 a.m.—DRIVE THROUGH PICK-UP Food Bank Distribution (see Mark Your Calendar below)

12:00 p.m.—Wreaths Around America in Fountain Hill (see Mark Your Calendar)

Sunday, December 20, 2020

ONLINE ONLY 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service ~ 4th Sunday of Advent

(Visit NJELC online worship service at Youtube livestream link)

CANCELLED 11:00 a.m.—Fellowship

CANCELLED 7:00 p.m.—AA

Monday, December 21, 2020


4:30–5:30 p.m.—Nut Roll Pick-up in the church parking lot

CANCELLED 7:00 p.m.—Lions Club

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


CANCELLED 8:30 a.m.—Quilters

CANCELLED 9:00 a.m.—December Angelus Deadline

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


CANCELLED 6:30 p.m.—Choir (see Mark Your Calendar below)

CANCELLED 7:00 p.m.—AA

Thursday, December 24, 2020


CANCELLED 1:00 p.m.—Cards

ONLINE ONLY 8:00 p.m.—Worship ~ Christmas Eve Service

Friday, December 25, 2020

CLOSED Church Office

Saturday, December 26, 2020


Sunday, December 27, 2020

ONLINE ONLY 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service ~ 1st Sunday of Christmas

(Visit NJELC online worship service at Youtube livestream link)

CANCELLED 11:00 a.m.—Fellowship

CANCELLED 7:00 p.m.—AA

Monday, December 28, 2020

CLOSED Church Office

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

CLOSED Church Office

CANCELLED 8:30 a.m.—Quilters

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

CLOSED Church Office

CANCELLED 6:30 p.m.—Choir (see Mark Your Calendar below)

CANCELLED 7:00 p.m.—AA

Thursday, December 31, 2020

CLOSED Church Office

CANCELLED 1:00 p.m.—Cards

Friday, January 1, 2021


Thank you for the offerings you have made and continue to make to New Jerusalem Church. Your offerings of time, God-given talents, and monetary offerings help support all that we do.

Together, we are the Body of Christ.

2021 Giving Envelopes will be available for pickup at any Sunday worship service. You may also contact the church office via email or call to make arrangements for envelopes to be left in the blue bin outside the church by the lower doors for pickup any day Monday through Wednesday after 10:00 a.m. Please take family’s and friends along, if possible. We appreciate everyone’s continued financial support throughout these challenging times. (As you are well aware, even if we are not inside the building, the bills keep coming in every month.) God is good and gives us what we need.

During this time that the church is closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic,

please make your Offering Checks out to: New Jerusalem Church or NJELC

and mail it to:

New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church

3323 Apples Church Road, Bethlehem, PA 18015


We have partnered with Vanco Payment Solutions to allow church members to contribute their offerings electronically from their personal checking or saving accounts directly to the church at no cost to them. Click this link Vanco Website to create your free online profile and set up your giving preferences. Giving will now be easier and hassle free.

Below is a brief description about 'Giving Electronically':

Electronic gifts are fast and secure, and they reduce administrative costs, allowing more of every dollar to fund the important work we are called to do.

+ Give anytime, anywhere to your favorite funds

+ Schedule and manage recurring donations even when you are on vacation

+ Make one-time donations to special appeals

+ Pay for events, programs, and other activities

+ Don’t have to cash or a checkbook

+ + + + + +

If you are not receiving the Angelus (Church Newsletter) either electronically or via the mail or your information needs to be updated, please contact the church office at 610-838-0731 and provide your name, email, and address, etc. to correct to error.

+ + + + + +

New Jerusalem Community Food Bank

Current Needs: Paper Products—Thank you for your contributions!

Food Bank Delivery:

Friday, December 11, 2020 at 9:00 a.m.


Distribution Days: DRIVE THROUGH FOOD BANK PICK-UPS from 8:30–10:45 a.m. on Saturday, December 12 and Saturday, December 19, 2020.

Approximately 95 families were served in the month of November. We thank everyone for the continued food and monetary donations during this challenging time. We are so thankful for the generosity of our community! Thank you!

Volunteer Information

If you or your group or organization (ages 12 or older) are interested in volunteering at the food bank, please see or contact Tammy Welch at

For more information about our Food Bank, please click here.

A special thank you to all the hard-working volunteers who help keep the NJ Food Bank operating and to our most generous community!

Thank you for making this community stronger!


Cross Training Participants, I hope this email finds you healthy and preparing for the birth of Jesus! Though I wish we could be together to prepare and celebrate Jesus’ birth, I wanted to send some ideas to you and your family to help in your preparations. + Create and send cards to church member shut-ins or nursing home residents. + Christmas Caroling at Weston Nursing Home

PEPARING FOR THE BIRTH OF JESUS Activity Objective To explain that Advent is a time of waiting Lesson Outcome The children will be able to identify the season of Advent as a time of waiting.

Materials Poster paper

Markers, crayons, pencils

Colored paper

Directions Provide the children with markers, crayons, pencils, and paper.

Remind the children of the wait that Mary and Joseph endured as they prepared for the birth of Jesus.

Say to the children: We all like to celebrate our birthdays. How do you feel when it gets close to your birthday? Imagine how Joseph and Mary must have felt during the days before Jesus' birth.

Invite the children to share ways in which they might prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Write their ideas on a large poster paper. Suggest the following if the children are having trouble with ideas: decorating a birthday cake, making an Advent calendar, designing birthday cards, writing prayers to Jesus, and so on.

Next, have the children agree on one or two ways that they as an entire group will prepare for Jesus' birth.

Help the children plan a party for Jesus' birth. Tell them their preparations will be an exciting wait, like the wait that Mary and Joseph felt before Jesus' birth.

However the children choose to celebrate Jesus' birth, ask them to prepare one thing in particular to show Jesus that he is welcome in their hearts: a prayerful card, a group banner, an illustration of Joseph and Mary in the manger, and so on.

Give the children time to create their special gifts and offer suggestions if they need help.

Before the days of Jesus' birth, have the children decorate the room with their special gifts. Also, help the children with their party preparations.

Say: Advent is a time of waiting. Let us ask God to help us as we wait patiently and prepare to celebrate Jesus' birthday.

Approximate Time 20 minutes

Hints This is an ongoing activity to help the children recognize Advent as a time of waiting. If time does not permit you to do this, have the children create special gifts for a celebration that they can plan at home with their families. Follow the activity as if the children will be planning ways in which they will prepare a party at home.

+ + + + + + +


Activity Objective To remember a verse in Isaiah that helps us celebrate Advent.

Lesson Outcome The children will be able to identify the events leading up to the birth of Jesus.

Materials Strips of thick paper

Markers or crayons, pens or pencils

Directions Take a few moments to share with the children the idea of the Jesse tree and what it represents to us during Advent.

As a group, read aloud the verse in Isaiah from which the idea for a Jesse tree originated. (Isaiah 11:1)

Give each child a strip of thick paper. As you do so, ask the children to share what the verse means to them.

Ask the children to write the verse from Isaiah on their strips of paper to use as bookmarks.

When they have written the verse, invite the children to illustrate their bookmarks, perhaps with an image of an event leading up to the birth of Jesus.

When the children have completed their drawings, invite them to share what event they chose to draw and why.

Approximate Time 15 minutes

Hints Suggest to the children how they might use these bookmarks so that the message on them remains special to the Advent season. Perhaps the bookmarks can be used during this time of the year, in books used during times of celebration, and so on.

+ + + + + + +


Activity Objective To motivate the children to do good deeds for others.

Lesson Outcome The children will do good deeds for others.

Materials Markers

Purple and pink construction paper strips (1" x 9")


Directions Talk about John the Baptist and his call to do good deeds.

Talk about using Advent to follow the message of John the Baptist.

Show the children the strips of paper. Tell them for every good deed they do, they can add a purple or pink link to the group's Advent chain.

Encourage the children to write their good deeds on a paper link and then add it to the chain.

Take your chain of good deeds and put it on display so the children can show it to their families during the Christmas season.

Approximate Time 10 minutes

+ + + + + + +

2020 BLESSINGS ORNAMENT The link ( shows you how to assemble these ornaments. You can use any type of paper and a pipe cleaner instead of floral wire. I know that many of us do not have many good things to say about 2020. And, though the pandemic may have disrupted our normal day to day lives and we know people who suffered through or died from the virus, if we think about it, there have been many blessing as well. The idea is to write about the blessings we have experienced or the special memories we ve made this past year on the back side of the slips of paper.


Approximately 95 families were served in the month of November. We thank everyone for the continued food and monetary donations during this challenging time. We are so thankful for the generosity of our community! Thank you!

A special thank you to all the hard-working volunteers

who help keep the NJ Food Bank operating!

+ + + + + + +

Message from Terry Ravier…

What happened on March 13, 2020 - our lives changed before we were ready for it. We our thankful and proud to say, so many members at New Jerusalem stepped up to the challenge. We kept ministries alive on a smaller scale, supported food to the community, and kept everyone safe. We are not out of the woods yet and ask for patience and support, but hope people think outside the box for the upcoming month. Remember “We are all in this together”.

Reach out and stay in contact with others. Small gestures go along way right now especially with the holiday season upon us.

Who would have thought we would have FM transmitter parking lot worship services with small group leading the hymns, hosting grief luminary worship service (which collect $272.00 for HAM account), ice cream social, Prime Timers, live stream worship service, Zoom bible studies, Food for Friends, “Just to Past the Time”, collection for Veterans, Stocking for Soldiers, and the list goes on!

A big shout out and Thank You: $1127.00 profit from the takeout Pork dinner, quilt raffle and first aid kits sales held on Nov 14th. Funds will go towards improvements to the parking lot.

We did all of this and still maintained social distancing at every event.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Matthew 18:20: For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

+ + + + + + +

Thank you to everyone who generously contributed to our Harvest Home food collection.

+ + + + + + +

Thank you from ELCA … “We are grateful for your special gift of $103.73 in support of ELCA ministries. Through your generosity, you are joining hands with many others to equip households and communities to break the cycle of poverty and hunger, build up leaders for our church and for our future, and spread the good news of God’s love. Thank you for your faithful gift.

+ + + + + + +

Thank you to all our Frontline and Essential Workers!




$10.00 per half roll


$19.00 per whole roll

Orders due by December 10, 2020.

(Pick up date to be determined, and dependent upon number of total orders, but will be before Christmas.)

Pick up at New Jerusalem Church

~ Information ~

Sharon 610-597-8764 or

+ + + + + + + Cut here + + + + + + +

Use the attached order form to place your order for holiday nut rolls:

NAME: ____________________________________________________________________

PHONE: ____________________________________________________________________

EMAIL: _____________________________________________________________________

Apricot: # of rolls _______________________

Walnut: # of rolls _______________________

Poppyseed: # of rolls _______________________

CASH: $___________________________

+ + + + + + + Cut here + + + + + + +


Goose Chase Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt on Friday, December 11, 2020 from 6:00—8:00 p.m.

Hop in the car with your own family and see how many of the holiday light displays you can find. Please contact Angie Fulmer at to sign up your team. You will need to download the free Goose Chase app in order to play. Then, after the fun, click on the activity feed to view all team submissions. Please sign up by Thursday, December 10, 2020.


SPONSOR A POINSETTIA ~ The Altar Guild is now accepting donations for poinsettias which will beautify our sanctuary on Christmas Eve. If you would like to place a dedication, please fill out the form below. Please put the completed form (along with payment) in the offering plate or send it in to the church office by mail. Please write “Poinsettia” in the memo portion of your check. Orders are due by December 13, 2020.

Those who sponsor a poinsettia may take it home after the second service on Christmas Eve. If you attend the first service, the poinsettia may be taken home on the first Sunday following Christmas. Thank you!

+ + + + + + + Cut here + + + + + + +


Name(s): ________________________________________________________________________________________

Envelope #: ________________________ Amount: $ __________________________

Dedication: _____________________________________________________________________________________


+ + + + + + + Cut here + + + + + + +



Prime Timers will meet on

Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at noon

in the Upper Room.

We will watch a Christmas movie!

All are welcome.

Don't forget. . .no food in church, so please eat before you come in.

For questions, please contact Loretta at 610-838-7428. Hope to see you there!

Loretta Duch


PLEASE NOTE: Greetings, Wreaths Across America is scheduled to occur on Saturday, December 19, 2020 at 12:00 noon in the Fountain Hill Cemetery. Due to the snow and beings this is in a hilly cemetery conditions are not ideal. This event will still occur; however, Rita and I will not be attending due to the conditions. We encourage others to not attend as well due to conditions. We don't want to see anyone fall and injure themselves. Let's hope next year is better. Peace to all, Cindy Hart and Rita Frey

+ + + + + + +

Please consider helping this organization, this holiday season. Due to COVID the ceremony will be brief but we can still take time to remember those veterans who have gone before us.

There are two ways to help:

1. Purchase a wreath

2. Participate on December 19, 2020 at 12 noon. Children are welcome too.

Fountain Hill Wreaths Across America

Join us at Fountain Hill Cemetery, 1121 Graham Street, Fountain Hill, PA 18015!


Would you like to spread some Christmas cheer?

Please consider sending a Christmas card to the residents of our local senior living facilities to brighten their holidays. This would be a great activity for youth to hand make cards.

Please address your cards to:

Any Resident

Weston Rehabilitation & Nursing Center

1896 Leithsville Road

Hellertown, PA 18055

Any Resident

Saucon Valley Manor

1050 Main Street

Hellertown, PA 18055


Youth Gathering ~ 2021 ELCA Youth Gathering will be in Minneapolis, Minnesota!

Calling all high school youth to join us in Minneapolis!

Theme: “Boundless: God Beyond Measure”

Ephesians 3:14-21

14 For this reason I kneel before the Father, 15 from whom every family[a] in heaven and on earth derives its name. 16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. 20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

More information forthcoming.


2020–2021 Altar Flower Sign-up Sheet is located in the Narthex or call the church office at 610-838-0731.

Altar flowers are a great way to honor or remember someone dear. The cost is $35.00 or 2 people/families may share a week for $17.50/each.

The Altar Guild is in need of 46 oz. cans to put the Sunday flowers in to take them to our shut-ins.



Return by December 6, 2020

  1. I/we would like a call from Pastor Lisa Borrell. Yes or No

  2. I/we would like to be removed from all correspondence. Yes or No

  3. I/we would like to be removed or become inactive as of January 1, 2021 from the rolls. Removed or Inactive

  4. I/we would like our information in the 2021 church directory. Yes or No

(If no, mark a P next to information that you want kept private—

for church record only)

First Name(s): _______________________________________ & _______________________________________

Last Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

City: _______________________________________________ State: _________ Zip: _____________________

Home Phone: __________________________________________________________________________________

Cell Phone(s): ________________________________________, ________________________________________

Email Address(s): ______________________________________, ______________________________________

List Family Members:

Name(s) Birthday(s)


1. _____________________________________________________________ ___________________

2. _____________________________________________________________ ___________________

3. _____________________________________________________________ ___________________

4. _____________________________________________________________ ___________________

5. _____________________________________________________________ ___________________

6. _____________________________________________________________ ___________________

7. _____________________________________________________________ ___________________

Our bylaws B8.02.b: A confirmed member who does not attend church service, who does not partake in holy communion, and who has made no contribution of record to this congregation shall be classified as an inactive member without the right to vote.



Beginning on Sunday, December 6, 2020, Tina McCardle will now have VALLEY FARM GIFT CARDS available for purchase. They will come in either $50 or $25 amounts.

We are also continuing to offer GIANT GIFT CARDS too!

They come in $100, $50, or $25 amounts.

If you would like to purchase any gift cards either cash or a check made out to New Jerusalem are welcome. Please call or see Tina and she will arrange for mailing, pickup, or delivery.

This is great way to support our church family with a 5% discount that comes directly to the church. Tina may be reached at 610-838-6784 or email They make great stocking stuffers too!


What is Mutual Ministry at New Jerusalem? Did you know that there is a Mutual Ministry Committee here at New Jerusalem?

Mutual Ministry is loosely defined as the interaction between the pastor, professional staff, Church Council, and the congregation to foster communication and support between these three groups. Typical tasks of the Mutual Ministry Committee include providing a listening ear to each group and a means to interact in a confidential way to resolve issues that may arise between, and within, each group. The committee also assists Church Council in conducting an annual performance review of the Church’s professional staff, as well as providing input into creating and revising employee job descriptions.

Currently, this committee is comprised of three members (Tina Miller, Tina Young, and Tim Fulmer) who are appointed to serve a three-year term as approved by the Pastor and Church Council President. The committee is currently seeking additional members, so any interested members of the congregation are invited to contact Pastor Lisa; Church Council President, Marianne Zellner; or any current Mutual Ministry Committee member for more information.

Any member of the congregation that desires to seek assistance from the Mutual Ministry Committee may do so by contacting a member of the committee to arrange a meeting with the committee to discuss issues dealing with interactions with pastor/professional staff, Church Council, and/or other members of the congregation. All contact with the Mutual Ministry Committee is kept confidential between the parties involved in the issue; and the hopeful outcome of this process is to resolve the issue to the satisfaction of all parties.


Have you ever taken a photo* at a New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church (NJELC) event?

We would LOVE to share your photos on the NJELC website and/or Facebook!

Send them to:

+ Facebook: Kathy Fenstermacher at or

Caroline Skuba at

+ NJ Website: Linda Weaver at

*PLEASE NOTE: If you share photos, you are giving NJELC permission to post the photo publicly of all persons in the photograph(s).


Our Music Director, Edward L. Walakovits, is a skilled Organist and Choir Director with more than 30 years of experience. He is experienced in playing the pipe organ and piano. Ed has a working knowledge of liturgy and choral styles. He is an effective leader with an eye for developing and motivating choir members. Ed graduated from Moravian College with a Bachelor of Arts in Finance with a minor in Music.

+ + + + + + +

Choir rehearsals will be held on

Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. CANCELLED

Feel free to join the choir—all voices and skill levels are welcome!

If you have any questions, please see Ed.

Pop-Up Choir ~ Once or twice a month, the choir invites members and guests to join them to sing the Anthem and praises to our God! The response has been very positive and uplifting for all!

+ + + + + + +

NEW ~ The Worship and Music Committee is looking for any and all volunteers who are interested in special singing, either solo or with others and/or playing an instrument for additional special music to enhance our worship service and should be coordinated with Ed Walakovits–Music Director.


Acolytes, Assistant Ministers, Chalisters, Lectors, Pastor Assistants (Council only for Pastor Assistant), please see the sign-up sheets in the Narthex for volunteer opportunities. The church office makes every effort to accommodate requests. Thank you.


Please provide your email address to both the church office at and to Caroline Skuba at so the electronic volunteer sign-up sheet link can be sent to you.


Prayer Shawls ~ There is a basket of beautiful handmade prayer shawls in the Narthex. If you know of someone who is having hard times (illness, sadness, troubles, or just because), please take one for them.

These shawls are meant to show a tangible message of God's love and the care and concern of friends from New Jerusalem.


​Would you like to learn to Quilt?

If you would like to learn or already know how, please join our quilters on Tuesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. (CANCELLED DUE TO THE CORONAVIRUS)


Do you like to pray? Do you like to pray for others?

Please join our Prayer Team if this sounds like you. If you prefer notices by email contact Kathy Fenstermacher at If you would to receive a phone call please write your name and phone number on paper and submit to the church office. If you want to include your name and number and place in the offering plate we will be sure to get it to Bernice Sandy.

Thank you for being part of this ministry!


CANCELLED Volunteers Needed for our Fellowship Committee ~ The Fellowship Committee provides tasty treats for your enjoyment after worship every Sunday and is in need of additional volunteers to provide items. If you have any interest in providing an occasional snack for coffee hour, please see or get in touch with Tina Young. If you would like to team up with another family or a couple of people, we can work with you on doing that. If you would like to offer your assistance on setup and or clean up, that is welcome also.

I would first like to thank everyone who has ever led or helped with a coffee hour. Without your help, this time of fellowship would not be possible. As we move forward, I have updated and attached the current coffee hour duty list to reduce confusion and apprehension. We need more people to sign up for weekly coffee hour as leaders (who would organize a small group) and bakers (who would support current leaders). Please consider this important ministry that builds community in our church. Contact Tina Young at or call 610-533-4977.


CANCELLED NJELC Ride Share ~ Consider adding your name to the NJELC Ride Share list, which will be distributed to our members who require home visitation, to be used in the event that they need a ride to a doctor's appointment, worship, or community event.

Sign up on the sign-up sheet in the Narthex or by contacting the church office at 610-838-0731.


CANCELLED Weston Nursing Home Visits in Hellertown ~ Participants may visit residents, play games, share stories, read to residents, etc. Dates and times are listed on a form in the Narthex, please sign up. Contact Robin Rooth-Fogel for more information or the church office at 610-838-0731.


New Jerusalem Church will hold periodic fundraising events for our veterans. Participants may visit residents, play games, share stories, read to them, or we can offer support. The congregation will be kept informed of the veterans we are helping. Any questions, contact Cindy Hart.


Welcome to Apple's Preschool at New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church!

Our program consists of four classes designed to fit the needs of every student and their family. Through many learning activities, crafts, songs, books, and much more, children are engaged to learn their letters, numbers, colors, shapes, patterns, opposites, rhyming, sequencing, size, etc., along with writing skills. With a soft Christian environment children are guided through their days to share and care, while using their imaginations and energy to fill our spacious classroom with joy.

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Dear Parents and Students of Apple's Preschool,

Due to low enrollment prompted by the restrictions of COVID-19, Apple's Preschool will not be opening in September 2020. However, we will re-evaluate our options in the new year and, hopefully, we will be able to reopen in 2021. We are sad to be closed temporarily and we miss the children so much.

We continue to return emails, calls, etc. for enrollment and would love to hear from anyone interested in our program. Please contact Miss Shani at or phone 610-838-0731.

Be safe and healthy! Miss Shani

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Apple's Preschool Teachers and Classroom

Miss Shani, Miss Katrina, and Miss Denise

Our teachers are looking forward to a year filled

many new learning experiences in 2020–2021.

For more, click here to see our church website's Preschool tab introducing you to

our teachers, school days and times, our philosophy, and upcoming events.

You can also find us on Facebook at

Miss Shani, Miss Katrina, and Miss Denise


May the beauty of God be reflected in your eyes, the love of God be

reflected in your hands, the wisdom of God be reflected in your words,

and the knowledge of God flow from your heart,

that all might see, and seeing, believe.

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Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present,

nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

God, the creator, Jesus, the Christ, and the Holy Spirit, the comforter,

bless you and keep you in eternal love.


The members of New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church wish you a blessed day and we pray that your day is filled with hope, love, peace, and good health!



New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church

(Apples Church)

3233 Apples Church Road

Bethlehem, PA 18015

Telephone:  610-838-0731

Fax:  610-838-8573

Church Email:

Pastor Lisa Borrell's Email:


Office Administrator's Hours:  

7:00–11:00 a.m.  Monday through Thursday

Pastor Lisa Borrell's  Hours:

10:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m.  Wednesday and Thursday

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Wheelchair Accessible

In case of inclement weather, please watch Channel 69 WFMZ, or call the church office to listen to the message.

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