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The Community Food Pantry

New Jerusalem Lutheran Church is the home of the Community Food Pantry for the Hellertown Area. The Food Pantry is supported with food, monetary donations, and volunteer time from congregations as well as community groups and individuals.  Volunteers are always welcome to assist with unloading the truck and its distribution. We continue to use a "shopping" system on Saturday mornings to have clients pick their own groceries. 


We can use help to staff the various grocery stations and to help clients shop.

Food Pantry phone number 267-375-9696 


Dates & Times
  • Donation dropoff  3rd and 4th Fridays between the hours 9:00am and 11:00am by ramp entrance. 

  • Food Pantry delivery from Second Harvest Food Bank will be on the third and fourth Friday of the month. Food Pantry distribution will be on the third and fourth Saturday of the month. (Holiday months subject to change dates)



Tammy Welch at


The Community Food Pantry at New Jerusalem - UPDATES


Approximately 75 families were served during the month of February. We thank
everyone for the continued food item and monetary donations that have been received
during these challenging times. We are so grateful for the generosity of our community. Thank you!


Current Needs: White rice (small bags), penne and elbow noodles.

Food Bank Delivery: Friday, March 14th

Distribution Days for February:  Saturdays, March 15th and 22nd from 8:30-10:45am

Donations will be received on the 3rd & 4th Fridays of the month from 9-11am at the upper entrance. Please do not drop off donations at the lower entrance door.


The Community Food Pantry at New Jerusalem Church may be reached at 267-375-9696.


Thank you to all the hard-working volunteers who help keep

The Community Food Pantry at New Jerusalem operating!



New Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church

(Apples Church)

3233 Apples Church Road

Bethlehem, PA 18015

Telephone:  610-838-0731

Fax:  610-838-8573

Church Email:

Pastor Lisa Borrell's Email:



Office Administrator's Hours:  

7:00–11:00 a.m.  Monday through Thursday


Pastor Lisa Borrell's  Hours:

10:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m.  Wednesday and Thursday

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Wheelchair Accessible

In case of inclement weather, please watch Channel 69 WFMZ, or call the church office to listen to the message.

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